IW in Hong Kong

Guess where we went?

That’s right. As part of our Asia tour, Cassie Lee Chan giving us a walk and talk tour of the Google campus in Singapore.

We had an awesome meeting with CXA Group’s Ken Wong discussing the financial merits of his employee wellness platform and how, to motivate teams, vision and mission must be translated to concrete performance and process goals. The serendipitous pivot was then to see Savills CFO for AP Tim Robinson who was himself off to the gym at lunch. He also agreed that leadership and fitness are both priorities. “If the boss can do gym for lunch…” he said. So Nathan and I booked in as guests at Pure Fitness and had a cheeky workout. (And just about cooled down in time to meet Jardine Schindler!)

Roxenne Holohan also gave us a very friendly welcome at Standard Chartered Bank where we discussed all things leadership and learning, especially the age old challenge of natural people leaders vs technical experts in management roles.

At Google, we had a wide-ranging chat about collaboration, innovation, culture, hierarchy working styles and more. Plenty of food for thought, and space to consider how vital equipping people to DO leading makes a powerful difference in all kinds of organisations and cultures. Thanks to our wonderful hosts.

Nathan and I sweated our way over the hilly coast and shared some reflections from our adventure on the way. Enjoy.