Flexibility, Freedom & Fun Most importantly, having the belief that we have the necessary skills, knowledge and suitable attitude or mindset to deal with what faces us brings the confidence required to face future challenges, and not see them as threats. Author
Culture Creation “Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with a passion.” — Brian Chesky, Co-Founder, CEO, Airbnb In my work with thousands of business people I have been fascinated […] Author
Engaging Virtually Here's what it takes to do an outstanding webinar, run a brilliant virtual workshop, and why it is that our team is so fantastic in a virtual environment.
Less But More There are certain global firsts that stick in the mind and stay there forever. The Boxing Day Tsunami, Diana’s death (for us oldies), 9/11. They leave this strange feeling that […] Author
On Discontinuity and Hope No notice was given that the world would stop. Nothing prepares you for that day. Amidst a barrage of tips on how to work from home or turn a business virtual, none of us have yet done the deep processing to put the events of Q1 2020 in perspective. That will come later. Author
My Secret Life // Jonna
Backwards into the dark It is said that foresight is a recent invention. For thousands of years humankind had no imagination of steady progress. Somewhere in caves and ancient civilisations the seeing into the […] Author
IW in Hong Kong Guess where we went? That’s right. As part of our Asia tour, Cassie Lee Chan giving us a walk and talk tour of the Google campus in Singapore. We had […] Author

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