10 Lessons in Leadership from an Unexpected Source: Young Women’s Camp This past week I was unexpectedly schooled in leadership. I had the opportunity to join my 15-year-old daughter’s annual Young Women’s camp for a few days. What I expected were your standard summer camp shenanigans. What I saw was a masterclass of leadership in action. Author
The Secret Behind Setting Goals – Unlock the Secret of SUCCESS! // Sparks S1E6 Eager to learn how setting and achieving goals can empower you to strive towards success? This is the episode for you.
Interactive Workshops Growing Fast In New York Our philosophy is “be adventurous and intriguing”. And all great adventures involve risk, twists and turns. But that’s what makes them worth embarking on. Author
Ambiguity and the Power of the Unknown How can we shake off the fear of the unknown and turn ambiguity into a superpower? Author
Chaos and Order The battle between chaos and order, progression and stabilisation, complexity and simplicity is one that happens every day. In your personal life, work life, community, and society, and has done […] Author
Latency Quite simply, latency is the state of existing but not yet being developed; a concealment of our true potential. Our true potential can be both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. Author
4 Ways Organisations Will be Working in 2022 When we visualise the workplace of the future, we might think of a collaborative environment where innovative technological changes have caused rapid efficiency gains. Right now, maybe we can’t help […]
My Journey to IW and Where We’re Going from Here It’s only in looking back and reflecting do we see how things seem to fit nicely, even if we didn’t always plan for them to do so. Author

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