First impressions count. But could they save us millions in the long run? Nathan Rager shares some principles for faster onboarding performance.

Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workforce report shows that low employee engagement cost 9% of global GDP this year. Ouch. 41% of employees report “a lot of stress.” Only 13% of workers across Europe say they are “engaged at work.”
How do you think your business holds up to these stats?
While we may not be able to change the world according to Gallup, we can consider the importance of first impressions. Starting a job where you are supported and enabled to succeed quickly, learn what you need, and create value, fast, is a big driver in confidence. Confidence that “I can succeed here” as well as confidence that “this place knows what they are doing.” This, we hope, drives both engagement and retention. Everyone loves to succeed, right?
So, how can we create a better first impression?
One global client we engaged a couple of years ago shared their challenges in onboarding Sales Reps into a complex B2B Sales environment.
“Our average ramp is 3x that of our competitors for the most technical roles, and we have a significant number of sellers who leave before they ever reach the target.”
The cost of this situation was huge. Hiring and onboarding experienced people on decent salaries. Spending time training and mentoring them, giving them a huge spread of resources, and then losing them without ever getting a return. Nor was the solution simple; there is a huge amount of complexity in the tech portfolio, global client base and buying processes, and the internal network needed to sell in this environment, and all of these things take time.
Gallup also highlights that only 12% of US employees strongly agree their company provides effective onboarding. This lack of engagement can contribute to the 20% turnover rate within the first 45 days of employment.
Conversely, we can see the impact of highly effective onboarding in action. A multinational IT company, Wipro, reduced its turnover by 32% by enhancing, tailoring, and speeding up its onboarding process.
Principles for Faster Success
To keep things simple, we can learn from the Wipros of the world by looking at three pillars of effective onboarding: clarity, connection, and competence.
Do new hires understand their role, expectations, and goals from day one? Make sure these expectations are achievable and meaningful. Make sure they have the tools to do the job.
“You already have your computer and systems access. There’s a set of links to explore in your inbox. I’ll be right here if you have any questions, and we’ll chat later today about what the next couple of weeks look like.”
“This system is critical for you. You’ll have access to it in a month or so. “
In the hybrid world, this is essential, as well as hard!
20% of employees globally report daily feelings of loneliness, rising to 25% for fully remote workers. Employees love the flexibility of hybrid and remote work, but many people are struggling to adapt to losing the daily social interaction of the office.
Days in an office early on, with real people, help foster relationships with team members to integrate them into the workplace culture. Regular calls and check-ins with a range of people. Real connection with a manager and with a team builds support and trust. An elusive ‘buddy’ who is too busy does not.
Managers who are fully equipped and trained to effectively support the onboarding process and lead people through their first weeks.
“Welcome to the team. Chat to Bob if you need anything. I’ll see you at our team call next week.”
Focus on skill-building and real-world application over prolonged theoretical training. A recent Forrester study into sales learning preferences shows some very clear trends. Ensuring we focus on providing the methodologies that engage and stick with people helps them stick with us.
Doing the job in practice role plays and live environments. Working hands-on with direct managers and peers.
Virtual calls, reading, listening, gamified eLearning.