Getting On Board Settling into a new job typically brings a nervous tension mixed with raw excitement. How can we help new hires get off on the right foot and make a brilliant first impression whilst also proving our organisation was the right choice? Emily Link shares the tips for a smooth onboarding process. Author
Upside Down Empowerment Does a flip of responsibility structure lead to a stronger organisation? Emily Link shares her experience of working with leaders and teams across the globe. Author
Flexing to Engage with the Season of Disruption The season of disruption asked all of us to flex in new ways. We were tasked with redesigning Savills' leadership programme for the virtual world, five days before delivery. Author
Why are Interactive Workshops running research project? It's a good question. We've got more than a pinch of curiosity and one other key motivation... Author
A Strategy Day Carol There are so many things we’ve missed about team off-sites (our colleagues karaoke efforts not included) but there are three things in particular that our teams will be craving going […] Author
Increasing Engagement Expert webinar series for all. Concepting. Designing. Delivering. At the start of lockdown many organisations were suddenly forced into remote working and the prospect that all face to face training […] Author
My Secret Life // Emily
People over Positions This is the eighth part of a 12-part series featuring snippets from our new book, Team by Team. The only team building book ever written by the actual team. You […] Author

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