A Change Maker’s Toolkit

When times are uncertain, it is clear that managers must find ways to help employees to stay engaged, focused and motivated. So, how do you do that? These seven tips will go a long way to help your team navigate the choppy waters of uncertainty:

1. Keep your door open

During this season, employees may need more frequent assurances. Be approachable and maintain visibility, by offering an ‘open door’ policy and giving them regular access to your time.

2. Communicate regularly

Make sure that your employees are regularly updated, even when there’s nothing new to update them on. Knowing that there’s no news eliminates the possibility of scare mongering or your team feeling that you’re keeping things from them. Try to be specific, and remember that it is almost impossible to over communicate. The more you involve employees in the process, the better off you will be implementing the change.

3.  Find out how your team are feeling

In order to properly support your team, you need to understand how they really feel about the change. Encourage individuals to be honest about their concerns – if they don’t tell you, you can be assured that they will at least tell other members of the team any future problems that they can foresee. Each individual might have a different way of dealing with uncertainty, with some being more affected than others, so tailor your support accordingly.

4. Don’t take it out on employees because you’re stressed

Ordering employees around like a drill sergeant is counterproductive. Offer direction while still allowing employees to come up with their own processes.

5. Praise and recognise hard work

There are plenty of simple but effective ways employers can recognise hard work, including emailing an appreciative note, or taking team members aside and telling them what a great job they are doing. Encourage other employees to follow your lead.

6. Plan ahead

Set long-term goals with employees to show they have a future role with the company.

7. Stay positive

As a manager, your attitude will be a major factor in determining the office climate. While change can be stressful, try to remain upbeat and enthusiastic. iw