Homage to the unbreakables This is the twelfth part of a 12-part series featuring snippets from our new book, Team by Team. The only team building book ever written by the actual team. You […] Author
What’s in a Job Title? Here come the Producers Over the summer last year we tried to lure into our team a very high flying (i.e tall) Ad Man. After a bunch of great conversations he got a brilliant […] Author
L&D Myths: Why the Best People Don’t Learn from Mistakes One of the biggest myths peddled by L&D practitioners is that business people’s greatest source of learning is their mistakes. At Interactive Workshops we take a great deal of interest […] Author
Sort It Yourself Please This is an all-play environment. I think you can handle this on your own. Author
Shall We Go Italian? The Power of ‘Feedbacks’ That's not a typo. I'm giving feedbacks, not feedback. Author
Think Like Steve Jobs, Yeah? There are two types of investment required for technical excellence. One is training, and the other proves difficult. Author
Let’s Meet, Briefly This article is the tenth part of a 12-part series featuring snippets from my book, The Agile Secret. 1. Living in the VUCA World 2. The Freelance Revolution 3. The Digital Revolution 4. The Birth […] Author
Creating Cultures that say: “Change it? Of course!” This article is the ninth part of a 12-part series featuring snippets from my book, The Agile Secret. 1. Living in the VUCA World 2. The Freelance Revolution 3. The Digital Revolution 4. The Birth […] Author

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