Commercial Innovation
Delivering an award-winning leadership development programme for a FTSE 100 company to unleash leadership potential and achieve stretching business goals
The Challenge
Fast paced and successful organisations already have great leaders. However their skills are often honed around fast paced implementation rather than big picture growth strategy. This creates a vicious cycle where leaders always feel behind, rather than feeling like they are ahead. These leaders find it difficult to ‘slow down in order to speed up’.
Our multi-level research from board to factory floor – involving interviews, focus groups, site visits, desk research and analysis – found a disconnect between the discussion around high potential leaders’ development and the work these leaders were actually doing.
Lack of Commercial Focus
Goals set were generally commercial, whereas the training content was almost always people-related, with a weak rationale.
Leaders spent significant time after the programme relaying desired change to their team. In certain cases, it would save time to integrate their teams into the programme.
Teams lacked the structured learning that would allow shared development experiences whilst delivering commercial changes.
Improving Performance
Increasing Engagement
Business Growth
Leadership Growth
Accelerating Development
Commercial Innovation
Optimising Effectiveness
Catalysing Change
How we helped
We designed two programmes with the significant innovation that both could be created using one set of assets and deployed in multiple ways.
A 12-month global leadership programme
for high potential managers. The programme included an onboarding with 360 feedback, a five-day intensive kick-off, regular 1:1 executive coaching, a three-day deep dive workshop after six months, and a metric-driven business assignment.

A business performance and people growth enabler. Targeted on business units, this programme ran in six one-month sprints. Being modular, it could be configured to suit any team. With a defined goal and set of KPIs, each monthly workshop included time for both, business growth and learning activities.
Operational teams hit their effectiveness targets (7%) for the first time ever and in some cases beat their target (9.6%). ‘First Time Fix’ improved by 10%
Operational output increased by 18% where there had been no improvement in the previous year
A client-facing team achieved a 95% success rate on their key metric, a first for a business unit
In one case a sales team made $41,000 of additional revenue through the deployment of coaching skills, the week after starting the programme
The learning was used to make a saving of £4,000 in a one-hour meeting
The pilot project cost £25,000 and generated additional profit for the business group of £1.2m Year on Year, an ROI of 48:1.