Goals & Growth When we are able to focus on particular desired outcomes and formulate pragmatic approaches to reach those outcomes, we as humans most often have the ability to achieve great things. Author
5 Things We Learnt From Our L&D Industry Survey The results are in from our L&D Insider survey. Some of the findings surprised us. Here are five things we learned… Author
Flexibility, Freedom & Fun Most importantly, having the belief that we have the necessary skills, knowledge and suitable attitude or mindset to deal with what faces us brings the confidence required to face future challenges, and not see them as threats. Author
Elevating Endurance Being able to identify and manage available personal resources effectively will almost certainly define how well we endure and whether we will just survive or thrive. Author
Attitude at Altitude To perform well at anything, even under extreme pressure, it’s our attitude that ultimately drives our performance. Author
How do fast growing companies create great culture? The Economist once discussed an organisational culture book written by Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist and modern management expert. “What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create […] Author
Be Careful What You Wish For This part of a series of snippets from our new book, Lockdown Learnings. A collection of 50 life lessons from 50 leaders in lockdown that reached No.1 Hot New Release […] Author
Harnessing Change To Get Agile At IW we have always held ourselves to the mantra: “Interesting work with interesting people” This has never been more true than in the last year, working with teams in […] Author

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