Bored at Work? This is the Solution! // Sparks S1E16 Chris and Jonna discuss how to know when to say “yes” to the next adventure as well as sharing stories of their own adventures in work and life.
Be a Better Leader and Presenter – Tell Effective Stories // Sparks S1E15 If storytelling seems intimidating, tune in to find out how you too can become an effective storyteller.
Grow Sustainably! How to Spark Growth at Work and in Life // Sparks S1E14 Tune in as we discuss IW's incredible growth journey and reveal actionable tips for individuals seeking personal growth.
The Secret to More Effective Teams! // Sparks S1E13 Tune in to navigate the intricacies of working with diverse individuals and gain insights into the undeniable commercial benefits of face-to-face interactions, whilst learning how they amplify productivity and innovation.
Is it Ever Okay to Lie at Work? // Sparks S1E12 Should we always be honest at work? Explore the ethical and social dilemmas of workplace honesty.
The SECRET to Career Progression! // Sparks S1E11 From highlighting your accomplishments to expressing your aspirations the duo show you how to get ahead of a promotion by going above and beyond expectations and putting yourself out there.
30 Minutes of Marketing Magic for the Individual – Tips, Tricks, and Hot Topics // Sparks S1E10 Learn about Jonna's marketing experience and spark discussion around the impact of negative marketing - even if it is effective does that make it right?
How to DELIGHT Your Clients – It’s Not What You Think! // Sparks S1E9 If you’re curious about how Interactive Workshops is currently delighting its clients, this episode is a must-listen.

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